Amerimark Capital Corporation

Investment Banking—Corporate Finance—Management Transition


“Planned or unexpected, senior management transitions occur in the life of every company. Thoughtful executives plan ahead to protect family members, employees and personal wealth”

Transition Planning

Management succession requires prior planning and should consider these key questions”

¨ Do I want to Keep my company beyond retirement or do I want to cash out? The planning is similar in either case. You will want to leave the company in capable hands or if you want to sell, acquirers will want to see a strong management team.

¨ Do I have family members who are really capable of running the company? If not, do I have professional managers who can assume key management roles?

¨ Will there be family conflict if I retire?

¨ Am I giving key personnel adequate training to assume their future roles?

Planned Transitions

“Catastrophic events can threaten the financial health of your company. Consider the consequences if you are not here to manage your company”

¨ Do I have a successor if something unexpected should happen to me? Is the wealth of my family protected?

¨ Will there be a smooth transition if I am not around to manage my company?

¨ Have I left clear legal and advisory instruction in the even of my death or incapacity?

¨ Have I provided the necessary training to those who will make key management decisions in my absence?

Unplanned Transitions

Our experience indicates that many business owners fail to adequately plan for these events. It is not a matter of “if” but “when” a management transitions will occur. Amerimark professionals can assist you in this process and help you avoid costly mistakes that could be measured in millions.

To Contact us:

Amerimark Capital Corporation

320 Decker Drive

Suite 100

Irving, TX 75062

Phone: 214-638-7878
